Implementing the CAP in Romania:an imstitutional outlook
作 者 : Nicusor-Seveer-Cosmin Florea
学位授予单位 : 首都经济贸易大学
学位名称 : 硕士
导师姓名 : 沈宏亮
学位年度 : 2011
关键词 : 罗马尼亚;政治经济学;执行情况
摘 要 : The Romanian agriculture has been confronting significanttransformations during the last two decades; yet, many problems seemed tohamper the country’s integration in the European Union (EU). The readinessand implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been asignificant issue in closing the negotiations with the European Union before thecountry has been formally accepted as a member state in 2007. The currentthesis copes with Romania’s institutional efforts to join the European Unionand with the institutional arrangements operated during the post-accession/transition period.Following a brief description of the status quo of the Romanianagriculture before the accession, comes an introduction of the maininstitutional leverages of CAP and the initial negotiations for itsimplementation in the country.
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