

Philosophers love to invent thought experiments, imagining mad situations that shake up slumbering dogmas. One of their favorite targets is your everyday sense of identity. Are you sure that you are what you think you know that you are—a mind firmly attached to a specific, physical human body? Maybe you’re really a brain in a vat or a program running in some vast computer, mistaking a simulation for reality. Or maybe you’re actually your spouse, having a dream of role reversal. How would you know?


Those issues came to life for me last December, when I had an unforgettable experience of being in two places at once. So will you, very likely—soon, and then often. Routine out-of-body experience doesn’t require esoteric spiritual discipline, drugs or psychosis. It is a coming, practical technology.


My story: I had sent effusive, genuine regrets to the organizers of last year’s Nobel Week Dialogue in Sweden, a day-long, high-level science conference run by the Nobel Foundation’s media arm, saying I couldn’t attend due to scheduling conflicts. The dialogue’s theme was “The Future of Intelligence,” a long-term obsession of mine, and it looked to be a grand event.

哥德堡会议的组织者没有放弃我,而是给了我一个非常有趣的选择:我可以用一种崭新的方式参会,不用离开在麻省剑桥的家。他们让我利用一个叫Beam Pro的软件平台,从我的电脑远程操控一个成人大小、但还不完全像人的机器人去代替我开会。这个机器人可以实时传播视频和声音信号,参会者可以看到和听到我。它也支持键盘输入的文字。利用机器人的探头,我同时也可以看到和听到参会者。出于我的天性,我立刻同意了。

The organizers in Gothenburg came back with “an interesting opportunity”: I could participate in a new way, without leaving my home in Cambridge, Mass., by using the BeamPro platform. From my desktop, I would control a large robot—roughly humansized, though not humanoid. The robot would display live video and audio feeds, so people could see and hear me. It would also support typed messages. I too would be able to see and hear, using sensors attached to the robot and sharing its perspective. Naturally, I jumped at the chance.


My first voyages were tentative. I looked at the robot’s upper screen to decide where to go. Then I looked at the lower screen to check for obstacles, swiveled and slowly inched forward. Rinse, lather, repeat. At this stage, I was very aware that I was sitting at home, at a terminal in Cambridge, operating a machine in Gothenburg.


But after just a few minutes, I gained confidence. The process became fluid. Soon I navigated effortlessly and moved quickly. I could focus on the remote environment, taking in its sights and sounds. I was there.

早到者,几个从马来西亚来的学生,进入了讨论区。我慢步上前介绍了自己。对话一开始有些尴尬。在通常的对话中,肢体语言能传递很多基本的信息,比如我们在和谁讲话,对话是否被理解了。为弥补这个缺陷,我不得不全神贯注地按照一个固定的程式进行:我转向我想说话的人,做某种眼神接触(如果必要,稍微动一动,以引起对方的注意),然后键入“你能听见我吗?” 但一旦对话深入进行,这种奇怪的对话感觉很快就消失了,我们开始真实地进行着思想的交流。我们几个人一起漫步了一会,交流最后以疯狂的自拍结束。

A few early arrivers—a group of students visiting from Malaysia—entered the discussion area. I strolled up and introduced myself. The conversation began awkwardly. Usually, body language conveys lots of basic information, such as whom we’re addressing and whether a message has been understood. At first, I had to attend consciously to a checklist: I’d turn toward the person I wanted to address, somehow make eye contact (doing a little jig, if necessary, to get their attention) and type out, “Am I loud enough?” But in sustained conversation, the strangeness of the situation quickly faded, and we got to a meeting of minds. Several of us went for a stroll together, followed by an orgy of selfies.

会议在旁边的礼堂正式开始了。我被安排了一个戏剧性的出场方式。“ 我 ” 在黯淡和混乱的后台等待(后台总是这样)。该 “ 我 ” 出场了。“ 我 ” 通过了一个长而窄的通道,两边是炫目的灯光。为了戏剧效果,“ 我 ” 移动得很快。我有一种奇怪而令人兴奋的感觉,我好像活在一个电子游戏里。“我”来到了台上;观众们得以亲眼目睹了一点未来:未来的机器人,未来的通讯和未来的现实。

Then, in an adjoining auditorium, the session proper began. I was scheduled to make a surprise appearance. It was dark backstage and (as is the way of these things) chaotic. On cue, I entered through a long narrow runway, demarcated by dozens of dazzling lights, moving at a good clip for dramatic effect. I had the uncanny but exhilarating feeling that I was living inside a videogame. I made it onstage, and the audience got a glimpse of the future of robotics, communication and reality.


I have seen the future, and it almost works. With more powerful sensors and actuators, out-of-body experiences will become even more compelling. It is easy to imagine brilliantly attractive possibilities: immersive tourism to anywhere, anytime, without needing to leave home. Fragile human bodies are ill-suited to deep-space environments, but human minds will experience them richly.

我们需要重新思考如何回答这个问题, “我在哪?”,然后,不可避免地沉思: “我是什么?”。

We’ll need to rethink how we answer the question “Where am I?”—and then, inevitably, “What am I?” .
